Contact CPR Tools for Data Eradication & Verification Services

Data Erasure/Eradication and Verification Services
from CPR Tools

When the data recovery experts at CPR Tools tell you your data is gone, you can take that to the bank!

As experts in data recovery, CPR Tools is the natural choice to ensure that data has been securely erased when data eradication is called for.

If your organization is bound by regulations like HIPAA, SoX, GLBA and others, you know that data eradication is a requirement that must be met. CPR Tools is pleased to announce its data eradication and verification services which provide documented proof that sensitive data has been completely eradicated in accordance with accepted best practices (NIST 800-88).

For organizations which have eradication paradigms in place, CPR Tools will verify a statistical sampling of drives which have been erased and will document the findings to aid in record keeping.

If your organization is in need of data eradication services, CPR Tools can erase all data from your media in compliance with NIST 800-88 'purge' and/or 'clear' standards.

Contact us to discuss your needs and how we can help.